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- Hips don't lie
Hips don't lie
Stre-e-e-etch your hips
Every golfer wants to improve. Even YouTube golf creators and humble newsletter editors.
The creator of Erndog Golf is aiming to become a scratch golfer. He’s in his mid 20s (I think), and he’s been posting on his channel for more than a year. He’s gotten his handicap down to single digits and is very committed to his golf goal. And he’s got a great looking golf swing.
A few weeks ago, he interviewed his golf coach and asked him if he thought he could get to a zero handicap. After a brief pause, the coach said he saw Erndog becoming a 2 or 3 handicap. And when pressed on what would keep him from his goal, his coach said, “I’m just going to be transparent with you. Speed.”
Rather than pout — or fire his coach — Erndog hired a trainer to help him increase clubhead speed which increases ball speed. Together, that means more yards.
“Speed is a skill. It’s something you can control if you work hard at it,” says Erndog, “just like putting and just like ball striking.”
There are tons of speed-enhancing swing aids and tools you can buy. And they work. But one of the best things anyone can do is improve hip mobility.
Erndog is not a big guy. He’s five-foot-seven and weighs about 140 lbs. His average clubhead speed prior to starting training was 96-98 mph and the fastest he ever recorded was 106 mph.
Just three weeks after he started working with his trainer, Erndog saw his carry distance with driver improve noticeably during a range session. But he put it down to wind.
The next day, though, he played and not only hit 12 of 14 fairways, but also his drives were 10-20 yards longer all day.
The day after that he hit balls with a friend who has access to a simulator. The first swing with his driver — which he says he hit with just his normal swing — resulted in a clubhead speed of 105.8 mph.
He very nearly reached his previous max speed with a normal swing!
(Note: all of this is covered and documented in the video linked above. I encourage you to watch it all.)
Now, I’m not anywhere near the golfer that Erndog is. My driver clubhead speed is just 88 to 90 mph.
But since watching this video, I’ve been working on my hip mobility. I tried to copy what his trainer had him doing but the video just showed a couple stretches and I want to make sure I do it correctly.
YouTube is my friend in this, and I found several trainers there who offer clear explanations of how to properly exercise with the aim of improving hip mobility.
Here are hip mobility videos from two channels that I recommend.
3 Easy Moves for better hips by 18Strong
As they say in their channel description, “18 Strong is about putting in the work so you are physically and mentally prepared to play great golf… At 18Strong, we realize golfers are athletes, and real athletes lift heavy things.”
These moves are intended to be for any golfer, but some of us senior folks might find them a bit too difficult., If so, here is another option.
5 best hip stretches to improve both pain and mobility by Dr. Kristie Ennis
Dr, Kristie Ennis is a nutritionist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, and a physical therapist. In this video she demonstrates and explains five stretches that can be done while laying down, even on your bed. She also offers modifications so anyone can do them.
I hope these exercises help you. I’ve been concentrating on opening up my hips. The results so far show that I’ve added a few miles per hour to my swing speed. I’m now in the low 90s with my best so far being a clubhead speed to 94 mph resulting in ball speed of 135 mph. It’s not a lot but I’m going to keep at it.
And when you watch these videos, please don’t forget to show your appreciation to their creators by clicking the like button. If you want to see more of their work, you can subscribe to their channels.
One more thing
If there is a specific golf problem you have, let me know and I’ll find the tips to address it in a future issue. Just reply to this email. Or email me directly at [email protected].